WASHINGTON – The Department of Veterans Affairs announced today it is cutting red tape for Veterans by eliminating the need for them to complete an annual Eligibility Verification Report (EVR). VA will implement a new process for confirming eligibility for benefits, and staff that had been responsible for processing the old form will instead focus on eliminating the compensation claims backlog.
Historically, beneficiaries have been required to complete an EVR each year to ensure their pension benefits continued. Under the new initiative, VA will work with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the Social Security Administration (SSA) to verify continued eligibility for pension benefits.
VA estimates it would have sent nearly 150,000 EVRs to beneficiaries in January 2013. Eliminating these annual reports reduces the burden on Veterans, their families, and survivors because they will not have to return these routine reports to VA each year in order to avoid suspension of benefits. It also allows VA to redirect more than 100 employees that usually process EVRs to work on eliminating the claims backlog.
All beneficiaries currently receiving VA pension benefits will receive a letter from VA explaining these changes and providing instructions on how to continue to submit their unreimbursed medical expenses.
More information about VA pension benefits is available at http://www.benefits.va.gov/pension and other VA benefit programs on the joint Department of Defense—VA web portal eBenefits at www.ebenefits.va.gov.
Resources for Legal Professionals Supporting Servicemember, Veterans and Their Families
Monday, December 31, 2012
VA Eliminating Annual Eligibility Verification Report (EVR).
According to a December 20. 2012 VA Press Release:
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Job Openings: Veterans Pro Bono Consortium Attorney and Law Clerk
The Veterans Pro Bono Consortium has posted a couple of job openings
- Case Management Attorney or Veterans Law Specialist
Minimum Qualifications: JD, preferred, licensed to practice in a jurisdiction which will qualify the attorney to be admitted to the US Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims bar within six months of employment. For a non-attorney practitioner, eligibility to meet the Court’s rules to practice. Experience with Administrative Law or Veterans Law. Appellate litigation experience highly preferred. Veteran Preferred. Military personnel experience also an advantage. Deadline for application is December 31, 2012. More: http://www.vetsprobono.org/case-management-attorney-or-veterans-law-specialist/ - Paid Law Clerk to Interview Veterans
The intern will contact volunteer attorneys and clients who received a remand from the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims in 2010 or 201 to collect information, prepare statistics reporting to the success rate of the cases, and other data that may prove useful to the Program. It is estimated that this project will require approximately 200 hours. More: http://www.vetsprobono.org/the-veterans-consortium-pro-bono-program-is-seeking-paid-law-clerk-to-interview-veterans/
Thursday, November 29, 2012
December 13/Seattle: CLE on Impact in Domestic Courts of Military Commissions
Judge Jack Nevin, Pierce County Superior Court, will discuss the fascinating issue of military commissions and how they affect American jurisprudence in cases involving domestic violence and military pay orders.
Quarterly WSBA LAMP Meeting and CLE
Thursday, December 13, 2012
11:30 A.M. Quarterly Meeting
12:00 Noon - 1:00 P.M. CLE
Ben Bridge Corporate Office
2901 3rd Avenue, 2nd floor
Seattle, WA
Judge Jack Nevin, Pierce County Superior Court.
Quarterly WSBA LAMP Meeting and CLE
Thursday, December 13, 2012
11:30 A.M. Quarterly Meeting
12:00 Noon - 1:00 P.M. CLE
Ben Bridge Corporate Office
2901 3rd Avenue, 2nd floor
Seattle, WA
Judge Jack Nevin, Pierce County Superior Court.
- Free to Section members not looking for CLE credit
- $10 if you want CLE credit or are not a Section member
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Nov 29+30/Web: Virtual Summit for Military & Veteran Caregivers
On November 29 and 30, FamilyOfAVet.com is hosting a "Caregiver Mental Health Summit" as a meeting of the minds on both sides of the aisle; both military and veteran caregivers as well as the professionals in the mental health field assisting them. The Summit will consist of two separate days packed with information and real-world resources which will be made available to these men and women who help our country by serving those who served.
The event is completely online, so you can attend from the comfort of your home!
Learn More Here!
If you have a subject that you would like addressed during the summit, please tweet your question with the hashtag #CaregiverSummit before or during the event.
Day One: Mental Health Professional Track (Thursday, November 29th)
Four, 90-minute courses for mental health professionals and others involved in helping Veteran Caregivers. This track is designed to help you learn more about the mental health issues that caregivers face, gain firsthand knowledge about them from caregivers themselves, and come away with ideas and tools you can use to better serve those you work with in your area.
Day Two: Caregiver Track (Friday, November 30th)
Four, 90-minute courses for those who love and care for our nation's heroes. This courses are designed by caregivers, for caregivers. They are taught by and facilitated by caregivers. This track is about helping you look at what may be going on with you, why its happening, and HOW to take real steps to take care of yourself and feel better.
More Information
Top 10 Sequestration FAQs, by Military.com
Military.com has posted "Top 10 Sequestration FAQs" based on a September 20, 2012 Q&A about sequestration with the Chairman of the House Veterans Affairs Committee and the House Armed Services Committee. Here's a sample:
http://militaryadvantage.military.com/2012/10/sequestration-faqs/#ixzz2DXi7xbHb MilitaryAdvantage.Military.com
Q: The WH sequestration report says that “military personnel accounts” will be exempt from any sequestration cuts. Does this cover all personnel related programs like tuition assistance, housing, and family support programs?Read The Rest:
A: Military Pay (including PCS and Subsistence) is exempt under the President’s sequestration exemption. Programs such as TRICARE, tuition assistance and family support programs are not exempt and do fall under sequestration.
http://militaryadvantage.military.com/2012/10/sequestration-faqs/#ixzz2DXi7xbHb MilitaryAdvantage.Military.com
Friday, November 16, 2012
November 19/Web - Qualifying a Veteran for Long-Term Care -- GAO Calls for Improvements
This CLE program of the Texas Veterans Legal Assistance Project on Monday, November 19, 2012, will educate attendees on the process to qualify a Veteran for VA pension benefits, pursuant to Title 38 of the United States Code and Title 38 of the Code of Federal Regulations, when Long-Term Care is needed. There will be one lecture by Attorney Janet Totter and it will provide an overview of (1) financial eligibility of the Veteran for VA pension, (2) Aid & Attendance special allowance, (3) spending down the Veteran’s assets and (4) why the GAO is calling for improvements.
Participants will receive a copy of the power point presentation, referencing applicable federal statutes and provisions related to the military judicial system.
Who May Attend:
This program is for Texas attorneys providing pro bono service to veterans.
Qualifying a Veteran for Long-Term Care -- GAO Calls for Improvements
November 19, 2012
Noon Central (11 AM Mountain)
Please see the webinar registration form at http://www.tlsc.org/calendar/ to register.
Attorney Janet Totter is an accredited attorney for veteran’s claims with the Department of Veterans Affairs. Ms. Totter earned her law degree at William Mitchell College of Law in St. Paul, Minnesota. Prior to moving to Texas, Ms. Totter was in private practice in Minnesota representing persons with disabilities. Ms. Totter served in the U.S. Navy, retiring in August 2000. Ms. Totter is the Managing Attorney of the Texas Veterans Legal Assistance Project.
Texas Veterans Legal Assistance Project
The CLE program on Monday, November 19, 2012, has been certified by the State Bar of Texas for one hour of participatory MCLE credit (no ethics credit). The course number is 901256072.
More Information:
Participants will receive a copy of the power point presentation, referencing applicable federal statutes and provisions related to the military judicial system.
Who May Attend:
This program is for Texas attorneys providing pro bono service to veterans.
Qualifying a Veteran for Long-Term Care -- GAO Calls for Improvements
November 19, 2012
Noon Central (11 AM Mountain)
Please see the webinar registration form at http://www.tlsc.org/calendar/ to register.
Attorney Janet Totter is an accredited attorney for veteran’s claims with the Department of Veterans Affairs. Ms. Totter earned her law degree at William Mitchell College of Law in St. Paul, Minnesota. Prior to moving to Texas, Ms. Totter was in private practice in Minnesota representing persons with disabilities. Ms. Totter served in the U.S. Navy, retiring in August 2000. Ms. Totter is the Managing Attorney of the Texas Veterans Legal Assistance Project.
Texas Veterans Legal Assistance Project
The CLE program on Monday, November 19, 2012, has been certified by the State Bar of Texas for one hour of participatory MCLE credit (no ethics credit). The course number is 901256072.
More Information:
Thursday, November 15, 2012
How To Figure Out If You're Eligible For A VA Home Loan
Military.com recently posted a very useful article:
"Are You Eligible for a VA Home Loan?"
The basic article walks you through the process of figuring out your eligibility, based on your dates of service and so on. Just read through it to see in what category you may fit. It'll also suggest what to do next if you quality.
However, if you're not the sort of person that likes to read through a whole lot of verbiage, they offer an alternative: a pop-up calculator!
Click on the little picture of a calculator and it'll guide you through a series of question.
With luck, you'll be greeted with at the end with the message:
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
"GI Bill" Is Now A Registered Trademark Of The VA
According to a October 16, 2012 VA Press Release:
In the wake of improvements in the GI Bill, some sleezebags decided they could use the "GI Bill" name for financial advantage. A company named "QuinStreet" set up GIBill.com to send veterans to for-profit schools that, by no coincidence, were clients of QuinStreet.
A posse of state attorney generals sued, and in June a settlement awarded GIBill.com to the VA. That solves one problem, but suing one-by-one is inefficient.
In response, Obama proposed the trademarking of "GI Bill". This would not only allow more efficient resolution of such scams, it also puts marginal operators on notice; they should move on to another scam.
Some in the world of business and the law criticized the very idea of trademarking "GI Bill"; for example: "Obama Wants to Trademark the GI Bill. Good Luck With That" By Kristen Hinman, Business Week, April 27, 2012
However, these complaints are basically silly. First, they misunderstand the difference between a law and the NAME of a law. Trademarking a name does not affect the operation of the law; citizens can still read the law, write about the law, use the name of the law in political speech, and so forth ... just as I can write about Disney, Microsoft and Boeing even those names are protected intellectual property.
Second, while it is true that this sort of trademark is unusual, that's because the situation is unusual; it just isn't that common for private organizations to pretend to be government organizations for the purpose of extracting money from citizens. Personally I think a horsewhipping would be more appropriate (... cool down, I'm joking ... maybe ...) but sending lawyers after them might be just as bad. There are many absurd situations in which the law has not yet been tested because no-one's gotten around to doing something that stupid.
Finally, maybe someone will contest this trademark; maybe someone will peddle "GIBill Coffee" or something, and fight it all the way up to the Supreme Court. And maybe they'll win. Who knows? That would get Congress off the stump so it passes a law protecting the name.
"President Obama signed Executive Order 13607 on April 26, 2012, directing the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), the Department of Defense, and the Department of Education to undertake a number of measures to “stop deceptive and misleading” promotional efforts that target the GI Bill educational benefits of Servicemembers, Veterans, and eligible family members and survivors. Trademarking “GI Bill” was part of that order to protect military families from being misled by schools that target their federal education benefits.What's this about?
Today GI Bill is an officially registered trademark with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office."
In the wake of improvements in the GI Bill, some sleezebags decided they could use the "GI Bill" name for financial advantage. A company named "QuinStreet" set up GIBill.com to send veterans to for-profit schools that, by no coincidence, were clients of QuinStreet.
A posse of state attorney generals sued, and in June a settlement awarded GIBill.com to the VA. That solves one problem, but suing one-by-one is inefficient.
In response, Obama proposed the trademarking of "GI Bill". This would not only allow more efficient resolution of such scams, it also puts marginal operators on notice; they should move on to another scam.
Some in the world of business and the law criticized the very idea of trademarking "GI Bill"; for example: "Obama Wants to Trademark the GI Bill. Good Luck With That" By Kristen Hinman, Business Week, April 27, 2012
However, these complaints are basically silly. First, they misunderstand the difference between a law and the NAME of a law. Trademarking a name does not affect the operation of the law; citizens can still read the law, write about the law, use the name of the law in political speech, and so forth ... just as I can write about Disney, Microsoft and Boeing even those names are protected intellectual property.
Second, while it is true that this sort of trademark is unusual, that's because the situation is unusual; it just isn't that common for private organizations to pretend to be government organizations for the purpose of extracting money from citizens. Personally I think a horsewhipping would be more appropriate (... cool down, I'm joking ... maybe ...) but sending lawyers after them might be just as bad. There are many absurd situations in which the law has not yet been tested because no-one's gotten around to doing something that stupid.
Finally, maybe someone will contest this trademark; maybe someone will peddle "GIBill Coffee" or something, and fight it all the way up to the Supreme Court. And maybe they'll win. Who knows? That would get Congress off the stump so it passes a law protecting the name.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
How To Find VA Accreditation Status of a Lawyer, Claims Agent or VSO
In dealing with your Veterans Administration (VA) claim, you may wish the services of a lawyer, claims agent, or Veterans Service Organization (VSO). This is very common, but how can you be sure that a person claiming to be accreditted by the VA actually is?
Fortunately, the VA makes this easy. Simply go to its Accreditation Search page at http://www.va.gov/ogc/apps/accreditation/index.asp and follow the directions.
On that webpage, you must choose whether you're checking to see whether the person in question is an Attorney, Claims Representative, or VSO Rep. Then you put in some identifying information, such as the last name, and his "search". The VA will show you a list of persons matching that description; if the list is too long, you can resubmit your query with more conditions, such as state or even city.
We you get results, always click on the name to get detail. This will help avoid the situation in which two people have similar names.
On the same page, you also have the opportunity to check out VSOs. Simply scroll down to the "Search Recognized VSOs" section, enter information about the organization, and hit enter to get a list of VSOs, if any, that fit your criteria!
Fortunately, the VA makes this easy. Simply go to its Accreditation Search page at http://www.va.gov/ogc/apps/accreditation/index.asp and follow the directions.
On that webpage, you must choose whether you're checking to see whether the person in question is an Attorney, Claims Representative, or VSO Rep. Then you put in some identifying information, such as the last name, and his "search". The VA will show you a list of persons matching that description; if the list is too long, you can resubmit your query with more conditions, such as state or even city.
We you get results, always click on the name to get detail. This will help avoid the situation in which two people have similar names.
On the same page, you also have the opportunity to check out VSOs. Simply scroll down to the "Search Recognized VSOs" section, enter information about the organization, and hit enter to get a list of VSOs, if any, that fit your criteria!
Friday, November 9, 2012
November 12/Web: Interplay between VA Pension Benefits, Social Security Benefits, and State Benefits
This CLE webinar of the Texas Veterans Legal Assistance Project on Monday, November 12, 2012, will educate attendees on the intersection of Social Security Benefits, pursuant to Tile 42 of the United States Code, state benefits administered by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission, and VA pension benefits, pursuant to Title 38 of the United States Code and Title 38 of the Code of Federal Regulations.
It will provide an overview of (1) eligibility for Supplemental Security Income [SSI], (2) Medicaid eligibility, (3) eligibility for VA pension and how the “needs based” programs intersect.
Attorneys in private practice who are providing legal assistance to low-income Texas Veterans, on referral from a Legal Aid program or a local bar association volunteer lawyer program, can receive back-up and support from the AmeriCorps Equal Justice Works Fellow in the Texas Veterans Legal Assistance Project. For further details, or to request such back-up and support, please contact emarfin@tlsc.org.
Who May Attend:
This program is for Texas attorneys providing pro bono service to veterans.
Interplay between VA Pension Benefits, Social Security Benefits, and State Benefits
November 12, 2012
Noon Central (11 AM Mountain)
Please see the webinar registration form at http://www.tlsc.org/calendar/ to register.
Attorney Janet Totter is an accredited attorney for veteran’s claims with the Department of Veterans Affairs. Ms. Totter earned her law degree at William Mitchell College of Law in St. Paul, Minnesota. Prior to moving to Texas, Ms. Totter was in private practice in Minnesota representing persons with disabilities. Ms. Totter served in the U.S. Navy, retiring in August 2000. Ms. Totter is the Managing Attorney of the Texas Veterans Legal Assistance Project.
Texas Veterans Legal Assistance Project
The CLE Program on November 5th has been certified by the State Bar of Texas for one hour a participatory MCLE credit (no ethics credit). The course number of the program is 901256070.
More Information:
Who May Attend:
This program is for Texas attorneys providing pro bono service to veterans.
Interplay between VA Pension Benefits, Social Security Benefits, and State Benefits
November 12, 2012
Noon Central (11 AM Mountain)
Please see the webinar registration form at http://www.tlsc.org/calendar/ to register.
Attorney Janet Totter is an accredited attorney for veteran’s claims with the Department of Veterans Affairs. Ms. Totter earned her law degree at William Mitchell College of Law in St. Paul, Minnesota. Prior to moving to Texas, Ms. Totter was in private practice in Minnesota representing persons with disabilities. Ms. Totter served in the U.S. Navy, retiring in August 2000. Ms. Totter is the Managing Attorney of the Texas Veterans Legal Assistance Project.
Texas Veterans Legal Assistance Project
The CLE Program on November 5th has been certified by the State Bar of Texas for one hour a participatory MCLE credit (no ethics credit). The course number of the program is 901256070.
More Information:
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Nov 5/Web: Family Member Entitlement to VA Pension Benefits #MCLE
The CLE webinar of the Texas Veterans Legal Assistance Project will educate attendees on Family Member Entitlement to VA Pension Benefits. It will provide an overview of (1) who is considered a qualified family member of a Veteran, (2) benefits available to qualifying survivors of a deceased Veteran, and (3) special allowances pursuant to Title 38 of the United States Code and Title 38 of the Code of Federal Regulations.
Attorneys in private practice who are providing legal assistance to low-income Texas Veterans, on referral from a Legal Aid program or a local bar association volunteer lawyer program, can receive back-up and support from the AmeriCorps Equal Justice Works Fellow in the Texas Veterans Legal Assistance Project. For further details, or to request such back-up and support, please contact emarfin@tlsc.org.
Who May Attend:
This program is for Texas attorneys providing pro bono service to veterans.
Family Member Entitlement to VA Pension Benefits
A Texas Veterans Legal Assistance Project WEBINAR
November 5, 2012
Noon Central (11 AM Mountain)
Please see the webinar registration form at http://www.tlsc.org/calendar/ for further details about the upcoming CLE program on Nov. 5th and to register.
Attorney Janet Totter
Texas Veterans Legal Assistance Project
The CLE Program on November 5th has been certified by the State Bar of Texas for one hour a participatory MCLE credit (no ethics credit). The course number of the program is 901256070.
Who May Attend:
This program is for Texas attorneys providing pro bono service to veterans.
Family Member Entitlement to VA Pension Benefits
A Texas Veterans Legal Assistance Project WEBINAR
November 5, 2012
Noon Central (11 AM Mountain)
Please see the webinar registration form at http://www.tlsc.org/calendar/ for further details about the upcoming CLE program on Nov. 5th and to register.
Attorney Janet Totter
Texas Veterans Legal Assistance Project
The CLE Program on November 5th has been certified by the State Bar of Texas for one hour a participatory MCLE credit (no ethics credit). The course number of the program is 901256070.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
November 13/Web: Veterans Benefits Law: Women Veterans; and Don't Ask, Don't Tell, One Year Later #MCLE
Thousands of veterans have returned home from overseas service in Iraq and Afghanistan, many of whom are women. Women currently comprise 14.5% of the active duty military, and 18% of the National Guard and Reserves. The VA denies female veterans’ disability claims for PTSD at a greater rate than male veterans’ claims for the same condition. Women veterans face other obstacles their male counterparts do not encounter.
Since 1994, over 14,000 veterans have been discharged under the military’s Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell (DADT) policy. Now individuals of any sexual orientation may serve openly in the military, but what about justice for those veterans who suffered under this policy? Military administrative review boards may be able to change these veterans’ reason for discharge, or upgrade an unjust discharge status resulting from the DADT policy.
Katherine Dwight, Starlyn Lara, and Teresa Panepinto of Swords to Plowshares will discuss the aforementioned issues and offer tips for representing women veterans before the VA and LGBT veterans before the military’s Discharge Review Boards and Boards for Correction of Military/Naval Records.
The discussion will include:
Veterans Benefits Law: Women Veterans; and Don't Ask, Don't Tell, One Year Later
November 13, 2012
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm EST (10:00 AM-11:AM PST)
Audio-only Webcast
1 Credit in many states
Practising Law Institute
Since 1994, over 14,000 veterans have been discharged under the military’s Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell (DADT) policy. Now individuals of any sexual orientation may serve openly in the military, but what about justice for those veterans who suffered under this policy? Military administrative review boards may be able to change these veterans’ reason for discharge, or upgrade an unjust discharge status resulting from the DADT policy.
Katherine Dwight, Starlyn Lara, and Teresa Panepinto of Swords to Plowshares will discuss the aforementioned issues and offer tips for representing women veterans before the VA and LGBT veterans before the military’s Discharge Review Boards and Boards for Correction of Military/Naval Records.
The discussion will include:
- Barriers women veterans face accessing VA benefits and VA healthcare
- Presumptive stressors for combat-related PTSD, but not for PTSD that stems from military sexual trauma (MST)
- Legal remedies for veterans discharged under Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell: who benefits, who loses out
Veterans Benefits Law: Women Veterans; and Don't Ask, Don't Tell, One Year Later
November 13, 2012
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm EST (10:00 AM-11:AM PST)
Audio-only Webcast
- Katherine Dwight ~ Staff Attorney, Swords to Plowshares
- Starlyn Lara ~ Program Associate, Womens Veterans Coordinator, Swords to Plowshares
- Teresa Panepinto ~ Legal Director, Swords to Plowshares
- Program Attorney: Amy Taub ~ Practising Law Institute
1 Credit in many states
Practising Law Institute
Thursday, October 4, 2012
October 23/Web: Military Issues in Family Law Cases Webinar #MCLE
- An overview of the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act and it impacts a family law case
- How to serve an active duty party
- Child support when one party is in the military
- Dividing military retirement accounts
Military Issues in Family Law Cases Webinar
Wednesday - October 23, 2012
Noon - 1pm
1.0 Standard CLE Credit
Jenna Westby, LEGALnudge LLC
$25; $10 Discounted Rate
More Information and Registration:
http://www.volunteerlawyersnetwork.org/CLEs (scroll down to event)
Friday, September 28, 2012
October 11/Philadelphia: National Organization of Veterans' Advocates New Practitioner Session
The 2012 NOVA conference, to be held at the Sheraton Society Hill in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, includes a one-day New Practitioner Session scheduled for Thursday, October 11, 2012. The general seminar, scheduled for Friday and Saturday, October 12 & 13, is filled with a wide array of interesting and informative topics and presenters.
The NOVA conference is intended for both new practitioners to the area of veterans’ law and more advanced practitioners. The seminar will increase your knowledge, confidence level, and expertise in representing veterans before the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims and the Department of Veterans Affairs. In addition, your time may be credited to your jurisdiction’s CLE requirements.
National Organization of Veterans' Advocates New Practitioner Session
Thursday October 11, 2012
National Organization of Veterans' Advocates
Sheraton Society Hill
Philadelphia, PA
Regina Alegre
National Organization of Veterans' Advocates
More Information:
The NOVA conference is intended for both new practitioners to the area of veterans’ law and more advanced practitioners. The seminar will increase your knowledge, confidence level, and expertise in representing veterans before the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims and the Department of Veterans Affairs. In addition, your time may be credited to your jurisdiction’s CLE requirements.
National Organization of Veterans' Advocates New Practitioner Session
Thursday October 11, 2012
National Organization of Veterans' Advocates
Sheraton Society Hill
Philadelphia, PA
Regina Alegre
National Organization of Veterans' Advocates
More Information:
Monday, September 24, 2012
VA Facilities Locator
Looking for your nearest VA Facility? Use this handy VA Facilities Locator!
Hosted by the VA itself (so it's pretty official) this web page helps you find your nearest VA facility using a map, a zip code, or other options:
Hosted by the VA itself (so it's pretty official) this web page helps you find your nearest VA facility using a map, a zip code, or other options:
Try it yourself at VA Facilities Locator!
For example, I went looking to see what's near me in Seattle. I clicked on the state of Washington, and got this list:
For example, I went looking to see what's near me in Seattle. I clicked on the state of Washington, and got this list:
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Attorneys Representing #Veterans for Rightful VA Benefits
If you're looking for a lawyer who might help you get the VA benefits that you are entitled to, one place to start is the website http://www.attorneys4veterans.com/
I checked several of the attorneys they listed and they did indeed seem to be licensed lawyers who represented veterans in such claims. I haven't checked them all, and you should always pick a lawyer
with as great care as you would pick a doctor, but this looks like a good place to start.
This website lists lawyers according to their state, so you can just scroll or Control-F down to your state to see those in your state.
Technology Note:
The list of state abbreviations at the top currently appears to be broken; I'll email the site admin to see if that can be fixed, but for now, scrolling should work.
Note For Lawyers:
If you are a qualifying lawyer, you might think about getting youself added to the site. Why not? It might steer some people your way.
I checked several of the attorneys they listed and they did indeed seem to be licensed lawyers who represented veterans in such claims. I haven't checked them all, and you should always pick a lawyer
with as great care as you would pick a doctor, but this looks like a good place to start.
This website lists lawyers according to their state, so you can just scroll or Control-F down to your state to see those in your state.
Technology Note:
The list of state abbreviations at the top currently appears to be broken; I'll email the site admin to see if that can be fixed, but for now, scrolling should work.
Note For Lawyers:
If you are a qualifying lawyer, you might think about getting youself added to the site. Why not? It might steer some people your way.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
October 26/Boston (but register now!) Veterans Consortium Pro Bono Program 2012 Training Seminar #MCLE
2012 training for the Veterans Consortium Pro Bono Program is open for applications now! An all-day training will be held in Boston on October 19, 2012, and can lead to a career-changing opportunity to "do well by doing good".
These trainings tend to fill up so register soon!
2012 Training Seminar
October 26, 2012
9:00AM to 5:00PM
Nutter McClennen & Fish LLP
Boston, MA.
In order to attend the training, you must complete the application form, which is available here. You would be wise to register early, to avoid disappointment when the program fills up.
The Program provides training free of charge to attorneys who agree to represent a veteran/VA claimant or family member before the Veterans Court. As well as receiving the day-long training, attorneys who participate are assigned a case that has been screened for merit and provided a screening memo outlining the issues in the case. Volunteers are also assigned a mentor (a practicing veterans’ law lawyer or practitioner) to give advice and share sample pleadings. Attorneys also receive the Veterans Benefits Manual (VBM) and other resource materials.
These trainings tend to fill up so register soon!
2012 Training Seminar
October 26, 2012
9:00AM to 5:00PM
Nutter McClennen & Fish LLP
Boston, MA.
- Nutter McClennen & Fish LLP
- Veterans Consortium Pro Bono Program
In order to attend the training, you must complete the application form, which is available here. You would be wise to register early, to avoid disappointment when the program fills up.
The Program provides training free of charge to attorneys who agree to represent a veteran/VA claimant or family member before the Veterans Court. As well as receiving the day-long training, attorneys who participate are assigned a case that has been screened for merit and provided a screening memo outlining the issues in the case. Volunteers are also assigned a mentor (a practicing veterans’ law lawyer or practitioner) to give advice and share sample pleadings. Attorneys also receive the Veterans Benefits Manual (VBM) and other resource materials.
- Malpractice insurance is provided.
- CLE credits are available.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
September 20/San Francisco: Civil Service, Military Retirements and Veterans’ Benefits
The Family Law Section of the Bar Association of San Francisco presents a meeting on Civil service, military retirements and veterans’ benefits. Bring all of your questions about this complicated and very specific area of the law to ask our experts.
This is a meeting. No MCLE will be provided.
Civil Service, Military Retirements and Veterans’ Benefits
September 20, 2012
Noon to 1:30 p.m.
BASF Conference Center
301 Battery Street
3rd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94111
This is a meeting. No MCLE will be provided.
Civil Service, Military Retirements and Veterans’ Benefits
September 20, 2012
Noon to 1:30 p.m.
BASF Conference Center
301 Battery Street
3rd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94111
- Kathryn Kirkland, Law Offices of Kathryn Kirkland
- Julianne Howard
Friday, August 10, 2012
Helping US Military Veterans Through Innovative Legal Strategies: On-Demand Video
Ben Gales, staff attorney leading the New Directions Veterans Court Program at Public Counsel Law Center, provides an introductory overview of veterans law and discuss innovative legal strategies for assisting military veterans.
**This webinar DOES NOT provide any self-study MCLE credit**
Helping US Military Veterans Through Innovative Legal Strategies
Legal Aid Association of California
This webinar is intended to provide legal information, not legal advice and is for the purposes of training only. The legal information in this webinar is not intended to be a substitute for seeking personalized legal advice from an attorney licensed in your jurisdiction. Further we do not intend to create an attorney-client relationship with any listener.
If you would like to support LAAC's videos and keep this service free for the community, please donate here: tiny.cc/Qwgg2b
**This webinar DOES NOT provide any self-study MCLE credit**
Helping US Military Veterans Through Innovative Legal Strategies
Legal Aid Association of California
This webinar is intended to provide legal information, not legal advice and is for the purposes of training only. The legal information in this webinar is not intended to be a substitute for seeking personalized legal advice from an attorney licensed in your jurisdiction. Further we do not intend to create an attorney-client relationship with any listener.
If you would like to support LAAC's videos and keep this service free for the community, please donate here: tiny.cc/Qwgg2b
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Apply now For Veterans Pro Bono Consortium Training in October
2012 training for the Veterans Consortium Pro Bono Program is open for applications now! This all-day training will be held in Washington DC on October 19, 2012, and can lead not only to a large about of free CLE, but a career-changing opportunity to "do well by doing good".
2012 Training Seminar
October 19, 2012
9:00AM to 5:00PM
DC Bar
Washington, DC
In order to attend the training, you must complete the application form, which is available here.
In the past, similar trainings have filled up well in advance of the program, so if you wish to participate you should register as soon as you are sure you will attend.
In order to attend the training, you must complete the application form, which is available here. You would be wise to register early, to avoid disappointment when the program fills up.
The Program provides training free of charge to attorneys who agree to represent a veteran/VA claimant or family member before the Veterans Court. As well as receiving the day-long training, attorneys who participate are assigned a case that has been screened for merit and provided a screening memo outlining the issues in the case. Volunteers are also assigned a mentor (a practicing veterans’ law lawyer or practitioner) to give advice and share sample pleadings. Attorneys also receive the Veterans Benefits Manual (VBM) and other resource materials.
2012 Training Seminar
October 19, 2012
9:00AM to 5:00PM
DC Bar
Washington, DC
In order to attend the training, you must complete the application form, which is available here.
In the past, similar trainings have filled up well in advance of the program, so if you wish to participate you should register as soon as you are sure you will attend.
- DC Bar Pro Bono Program
- Veterans Consortium Pro Bono Program
In order to attend the training, you must complete the application form, which is available here. You would be wise to register early, to avoid disappointment when the program fills up.
The Program provides training free of charge to attorneys who agree to represent a veteran/VA claimant or family member before the Veterans Court. As well as receiving the day-long training, attorneys who participate are assigned a case that has been screened for merit and provided a screening memo outlining the issues in the case. Volunteers are also assigned a mentor (a practicing veterans’ law lawyer or practitioner) to give advice and share sample pleadings. Attorneys also receive the Veterans Benefits Manual (VBM) and other resource materials.
- Malpractice insurance is provided.
- CLE credits are available.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Sept 5/Seattle: Navigating Family Law Issues for Military Parties (#lawyer education)
Laura Carlsen, an Associate at McKinley Irvin, will cover the unique combination of state and federal law that applies when one or more parties to a family law matter is in the military; she will highlight the basics that every family law practitioner needs to consider, and more advanced considerations and strategies regarding military parental rights, military parenting plans, and military retirement accounts.
Navigating Family Law Issues for Military Parties
Family Law Speaker Series CLEs
September 5, 2012
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
425 Pike Street, Suite 500
Seating is limited, so please reserve your seat for an event in advance by sending an email to cle@mckinleyirvin.com (please include your name, state bar number, and email address) or by calling 206.625.9600.
Approved for 1.0 Live CLE Credit
Laura Carlsen
McKinley Irvin
Navigating Family Law Issues for Military Parties
Family Law Speaker Series CLEs
September 5, 2012
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
425 Pike Street, Suite 500
Seating is limited, so please reserve your seat for an event in advance by sending an email to cle@mckinleyirvin.com (please include your name, state bar number, and email address) or by calling 206.625.9600.
Approved for 1.0 Live CLE Credit
Laura Carlsen
McKinley Irvin
Saturday, July 21, 2012
August 21/Albany, NY: Department of Veterans Affairs Claims Process #MCLE
RSVP is required as light fare and non-alcoholic drinks will be provided.
Department of Veterans Affairs Claims Process
August 21, 2012
6:00-7:00 p.m.
Tully Rinckey PLLC
441 New Karner Road
Albany, NY 12205
Greg T. Rinckey, Esq. serves as the Managing Partner of Tully Rinckey PLLC. Greg concentrates his practice on military law, federal employment and discrimination litigation, and national security clearance mitigation. During his previous tenure as an attorney with the U.S. Army Judge Advocate General's Corps, Greg prosecuted and defended military personnel in over one hundred felony cases, with charges ranging from drug possession to murder. He has represented federal and private sector employees in investigations and cases in front of the Merit Systems Protection Board, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and the Office of Special Counsel.
Greg's last military active duty assignment was at the Defense Appellate Division in Washington, DC, where he wrote criminal appellate briefs and argued appeal cases. Greg was honorably discharged from the Army JAG Corps in April 2004.
Areas of Professional Practice - 1 CLE Credit Hour
Katherine McElroy
Tully Rinckey PLLC
![]() |
Greg T. Rinckey |
Department of Veterans Affairs Claims Process
August 21, 2012
6:00-7:00 p.m.
Tully Rinckey PLLC
441 New Karner Road
Albany, NY 12205
Greg T. Rinckey, Esq. serves as the Managing Partner of Tully Rinckey PLLC. Greg concentrates his practice on military law, federal employment and discrimination litigation, and national security clearance mitigation. During his previous tenure as an attorney with the U.S. Army Judge Advocate General's Corps, Greg prosecuted and defended military personnel in over one hundred felony cases, with charges ranging from drug possession to murder. He has represented federal and private sector employees in investigations and cases in front of the Merit Systems Protection Board, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and the Office of Special Counsel.
Greg's last military active duty assignment was at the Defense Appellate Division in Washington, DC, where he wrote criminal appellate briefs and argued appeal cases. Greg was honorably discharged from the Army JAG Corps in April 2004.
Areas of Professional Practice - 1 CLE Credit Hour
Katherine McElroy
Tully Rinckey PLLC
Friday, July 13, 2012
Lakewood, WA: Drop-In GI Rights Assistance at Coffee Strong
Coffee Strong, a GI-run coffeehouse in Lakewood, Washington State, reports:
"We've updated our drop-in GI Rights Assistance hours at Coffee Strong. We have GI Rights counselors at the shop on Tuesdays from 5pm to 8pm and Saturday from 1pm to 4pm. Coffee Strong is located at 15109 Union Ave SW in Lakewood, WA next to Joint Base Lewis-McChord. We'll be continuing with these hours at least through the end of August.Coffee Strong is not staffed by lawyers; for matters requiring lawyers they need to provide referrals. Attorneys interested in receiving referrals, or anyone interested in more information, should contact them at http://www.coffeestrong.org/
Our veterans benefits assistance continues to be held on Fridays from 10am - 2pm."
Monday, June 25, 2012
Federal Voting Assistance Program
Servicemembers, their families and other citizens living outside our United States can get help voting thanks to http://www.fvap.gov/.
If if you are a U.S. citizen 18 years or older and ...
This looks like a useful and convenient service that everyone it applies to should use. Spread the word!
If if you are a U.S. citizen 18 years or older and ...
- An active duty member of the Armed Forces, Merchant Marine, Public Health Service, NOAA, or
- A family member of the above, or
- Any other kind of U.S. citizen residing outside the United States ...
This looks like a useful and convenient service that everyone it applies to should use. Spread the word!
Friday, June 22, 2012
Stateside Legal: An Index of Information for military, veterans, their families and advocates
Stateside Legal is a website for members of the military, veterans, their families and advocates. The goal of the site is to provide assistance in finding information to:
- access benefits
- find free legal help, and
- better understand legal issues
The goal of this website is to index the best legal information from many websites into one easy-to-use site. the site also includes new interactive forms, videos, and legal analysis.
Sponsors:Two primary partnering organizations have worked together to create the Stateside Legal website. These organizations are Pine Tree Legal Assistance of Maine and the Arkansas Legal Services Partnership. In addition, the website has received help from many volunteers, including private attorneys, members of the Judge Advocate General [JAG] Corps, civilian Legal Assistance Attorneys, and veteran service officers.
Learn More At Stateside Legal
Thursday, June 21, 2012
RAND Resources for Veterans with #PTSD
RAND, a very serious nonprofit research corporation, offers several studies documenting the prevalence of post-deployment mental health problems among our newest generation of veterans, examining the delivery of post-deployment mental health care, reviewing the treatment capacity of health care systems in response to PTSD, and estimating the costs of providing quality mental health care to all affected veterans.
Some of their materials include:
Some of their materials include:

Programs Addressing Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury Among U.S. Military Servicemembers and Their Families
Provides overviews and detailed descriptions of 211 programs currently sponsored or funded by the Department of Defense to address psychological health and traumatic brain injury, along with recommendations to maximize program effectiveness.

Invisible Wounds of War: Psychological and Cognitive Injuries, Their Consequences, and Services to Assist Recovery
A comprehensive study of the post-deployment health-related needs associated with post-traumatic stress disorder, major depression, and traumatic brain injury among servicemembers returning from Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom.

Veterans Health Administration Mental Health Program Evaluation: Capstone Report
Evaluation of mental health services provided by the VA for veterans with selected mental diagnoses and recommendations for improving capacity and quality monitoring.
For more, see "Resources for Servicemembers and Veterans with PTSD", June 21, 2012, RAND Blog.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Representing Washington State Veterans: Basic Legal and Cultural Concepts
The Northwest Justice Project recently published a “Representing WA Veterans” Manual on Washington Law Help, the website for low-income WA residents seeking information on legal issues.
Its intended audience is legal aid advocates who have veteran clients, but it may be useful to veterans themselves and other counselors and case managers who work with veterans.
The authors are Attorney Lauren Peach, Equal Justice Works AmeriCorps Fellow at NJP's Veterans Project) and Leo Flor, a law student at the University of Washington. When Lauren started at NJP, she had a lot to learn about veterans services and referrals in Washington State. It took more than six months to begin to understand the multitude of services and benefits available to veterans. In that time she realized two things: first, that there is no one place a veteran or an advocate can go that gives one an overview of the military, veteran services, or referrals in Washington State. Second, Lauren spent a lot of her time answering the same technical legal questions from other advocates at NJP and partner organizations. There were no written materials she could send to the advocates explaining the answers to these questions.
This manual attempts to fill these gaps.
Get The Manual Now!
The Northwest Justice Project (NJP) is Washington State’s largest provider of civil legal services to low-income Washington residents and a proud member of Washington’s Alliance for Equal Justice. With state and federal funding, NJP has 17 offices around the state, and serves between 16,000-20,000 low-income clients annually. This group of clients has historically included veterans, but no focused outreach and capacity focused exclusively on assisting low-income veterans as a distinct population with unique needs and abilities. Growing recognition of this gap in services inspired NJP attorneys to begin focusing on veterans. Concurrently, the Equal Justice Works AmeriCorps legal fellowship program perceived this same gap in services at the national level and in 2010 began offering one-year fellowships to legal aid organizations to fill the gap. NJP received one of those fellowships, supplemented by funding through the King County Veterans Levy, Washington State Department of Veteran Affairs, the Washington State Bar Association’s LAMP (Legal Assistance to Military Personnel) section, and the Osborne Family Foundation. NJP’s Veterans Project is the product of this collaborative funding and community support that enabled NJP to hire in August 2010 one full-time attorney to work exclusively with veterans.
Its intended audience is legal aid advocates who have veteran clients, but it may be useful to veterans themselves and other counselors and case managers who work with veterans.
The authors are Attorney Lauren Peach, Equal Justice Works AmeriCorps Fellow at NJP's Veterans Project) and Leo Flor, a law student at the University of Washington. When Lauren started at NJP, she had a lot to learn about veterans services and referrals in Washington State. It took more than six months to begin to understand the multitude of services and benefits available to veterans. In that time she realized two things: first, that there is no one place a veteran or an advocate can go that gives one an overview of the military, veteran services, or referrals in Washington State. Second, Lauren spent a lot of her time answering the same technical legal questions from other advocates at NJP and partner organizations. There were no written materials she could send to the advocates explaining the answers to these questions.
This manual attempts to fill these gaps.
Get The Manual Now!
The Northwest Justice Project (NJP) is Washington State’s largest provider of civil legal services to low-income Washington residents and a proud member of Washington’s Alliance for Equal Justice. With state and federal funding, NJP has 17 offices around the state, and serves between 16,000-20,000 low-income clients annually. This group of clients has historically included veterans, but no focused outreach and capacity focused exclusively on assisting low-income veterans as a distinct population with unique needs and abilities. Growing recognition of this gap in services inspired NJP attorneys to begin focusing on veterans. Concurrently, the Equal Justice Works AmeriCorps legal fellowship program perceived this same gap in services at the national level and in 2010 began offering one-year fellowships to legal aid organizations to fill the gap. NJP received one of those fellowships, supplemented by funding through the King County Veterans Levy, Washington State Department of Veteran Affairs, the Washington State Bar Association’s LAMP (Legal Assistance to Military Personnel) section, and the Osborne Family Foundation. NJP’s Veterans Project is the product of this collaborative funding and community support that enabled NJP to hire in August 2010 one full-time attorney to work exclusively with veterans.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Military Spouse JD Network: A Bar Association for Military Spouses
The Military Spouse JD Network is an organization to support military spouses who pursue a legal career. Billing itself as "A Bar Association for Military Spouses", MSJDN:
These are real problems, but they are solvable and MSJDN intends to solve them. MSJDN includes military spouses from all branches of the United States Military, as well as spouses of retired service members and legal and military organizations who support our mission. Membership is FREE, just register HERE.
For more information:
- Advocates for bar membership without examination,
- Encourages hiring military spouses, and
- Provides a support network.
These are real problems, but they are solvable and MSJDN intends to solve them. MSJDN includes military spouses from all branches of the United States Military, as well as spouses of retired service members and legal and military organizations who support our mission. Membership is FREE, just register HERE.
For more information:
- Mission Accomplished: Military Spouse Network Gets ABA, White House Attention, by Hollee Schwartz Temple, ABA Journal, May 1, 2012.
- States Step Up to Remove Barriers for Military Spouse Employment!, by jtozer, DOD Live. June 1, 2012.
- Military Spouse JD Network on LinkedIn
- Military Spouse JD Network Website: http://www.militaryspousejdnetwork.org/
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
VOW to Hire Heroes Act of 2011 FAQ
From the Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs
The VOW to Hire Heroes Act of 2011 extended and expanded the tax credit for hiring certain qualified Veterans. Through WOTC, for-profit employers may receive tax credits as high as $9,600 per qualified Veteran or up to $6,240 for qualified tax-exempt organizations. The amount of the credit will depend on a number of factors, such as:Learn More:
The WOTC only applies to new employees and the qualified Veteran must start work on or after November 22, 2011 and before January 1, 2013.
- The length of the Veteran’s unemployment before hire
- The number of hours the Veteran works
- The Veteran’s first year of wages.
Before claiming WOTC on a federal tax return, employers must first apply for and receive certification from a State Workforce Agency that the new hire is a Veteran that meets the required qualifications.
Monday, May 28, 2012
CLE Resources in Support of Serving Veterans: May 2012 update
Support for our military families, whether active duty, reserve, Guard and/or veterans, can be a very helpful and satisfying practice area. You can learn about this area of practice while gathering CLE credits; since much of this law is federal in nature, you may be able to use this information whereever you reside.
Plan For October Veterans Consortium Pro Bono Training
The next scheduled training for the Veterans Consortium Pro Bono Program is on October 19, 2012 in Washington DC; registration will open in Auguest. This program can lead not only to a large amount of free CLE, but a career-changing opportunity to "do well by doing good".On-Demand Training
Persons eligible for Veterans Administration benefits sometimes require professional assistance in staking their claim. A well-structured claim can also assist the VA in efficient administration. Now you can pick up the basics while earning credit:- Introduction to Veterans Benefits - by Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles. This one-hour program is a good place to start.
- Advocating for Veterans - the Basics on Benefits, Discharge Upgrades and Cultural Competency - by Practising Law Institute. This is a longer, more detailed program.
Legal Aid Program Training And Support
Legal aid programs in support of our military veterans and families often offer education, CLE credit and other helpful support in exchange for volunteer service.Seeking More Resources
If you have free CLE in support of our military and veteran families, or are interested in developing them, please contact us so we can post them here and/or assist in development.Newsletter
You can learn about more trainings and other free CLE by signing up for our Email NewsletterTuesday, May 15, 2012
Law Firms Can Hire #Veterans Easily via "Hero 2 Hired"!
Charity and good intentions have their place, but what most people want is a job, and veterans are no different from anyone else in that regard. Now your law firm can easily seek out qualified professionals from the ranks of recently separated servicemembers or those planning their transition, through the new "Hero 2 Hired" program.
- Go to http://h2h.jobs/ and register as an employer
- Go to the candidate search page
- Enter the criteria for the job candidates you seek, such as education, location or occupation while in the military. If you don't know the proper codes for Military Occupations such as JAGs, don't worry - the site has a plain-English lookup that lets you Find military occupations by name. For example, JAG Corps Attorney (Officer) is Occupation 27A.
- Hit "Search" and the odds are you'll get a long list of candidates to consider. What could be easier?
Learn more at:
Friday, May 4, 2012
The Effects of Hiring Tax Credits on Employment of Disabled Veterans: RAND Study
Tax credits can help boost employment and income among veterans with disabilities, according to a new RAND study. An analysis of the 2007 Work Opportunity Tax Credit expansion found that the measure added 64,000 vets with disabilities to the workforce in two years—a two percent increase. The program also boosted annual wages by 40 percent.
The Effects of Hiring Tax Credits on Employment of Disabled Veterans
The Effects of Hiring Tax Credits on Employment of Disabled Veterans
Thursday, May 3, 2012
May 15/St. Paul, MN: #Veterans and The Legal System: Addressing the Realities of Military to Civilian Life #MCLE
This CLE raises awareness about PTSD in veterans. Having served themselves, the presenters understand what veterans go through when they transition from the high-stress military world to civilian life.
Mr. Hunter has represented veterans he believes might have avoided the criminal justice system if their PTSD had been treated. To help those convicted of PTSD-linked non-felony offenses, he advocated for legislation that provides a treatment option, as well as for the Hennepin County Veterans Court. He also gives lectures about PTSD in Iraq and Afghanistan veterans so, they won’t have to suffer silently with the condition.
Mr. Matacastillo was a member of the Minnesota National Guard, had been deployed several times, was an infantry company senior NCO in Iraq with the 3-194 CAB, which stands for Combat Action Badge (awarded since 2001 to soldiers performing duties in an area with hostile fire or imminent danger) and was diagnosed with PTSD.
Veterans and The Legal System: Addressing the Realities of Military to Civilian Life
Friday, May 18, 2012
Registration | 8:00 a.m. -8:30 a.m.
CLE Program | 8:30 a.m. - noon
Luncheon | 12:15 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Hamline University, Klas Center
1536 Hewitt Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104
Deadline to Register:
May 15, 2012 at noon
$25-$45 (depending on status)
3 hours of Elimination of Bias CLE credits applied for
Event Code: 167131
Minnesota State Bar Association
Mr. Hunter has represented veterans he believes might have avoided the criminal justice system if their PTSD had been treated. To help those convicted of PTSD-linked non-felony offenses, he advocated for legislation that provides a treatment option, as well as for the Hennepin County Veterans Court. He also gives lectures about PTSD in Iraq and Afghanistan veterans so, they won’t have to suffer silently with the condition.
Mr. Matacastillo was a member of the Minnesota National Guard, had been deployed several times, was an infantry company senior NCO in Iraq with the 3-194 CAB, which stands for Combat Action Badge (awarded since 2001 to soldiers performing duties in an area with hostile fire or imminent danger) and was diagnosed with PTSD.
Veterans and The Legal System: Addressing the Realities of Military to Civilian Life
Friday, May 18, 2012
Registration | 8:00 a.m. -8:30 a.m.
CLE Program | 8:30 a.m. - noon
Luncheon | 12:15 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.

1536 Hewitt Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104
Deadline to Register:
May 15, 2012 at noon
$25-$45 (depending on status)
- Brockton Hunter, Minneapolis Criminal Defense Attorney and Veteran’s Advocate
- Hector Matascastillo, Former Army First Sergeant and Army Ranger, recipient of the Bronze Star, and a Rapid Response Specialist for the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development
3 hours of Elimination of Bias CLE credits applied for
Event Code: 167131
Minnesota State Bar Association
Friday, April 20, 2012
HUD-VA Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) Resource Guide for Permanent Housing and Clinical Care
The Departments of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and Veterans Affairs (VA) have released “The HUD-VA Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) Resource Guide for Permanent Housing and Clinical Care.”
HUD-VASH Program goals are to place homeless veterans in housing that is safe, stable, affordable, and permanent. HUD provides housing vouchers while VA provides long-term case management.
The guide provides case managers, social workers, treatment specialists, program managers, and other clinicians who work with homeless veterans through the HUD-VASH Program with a comprehensive set of resources. to more effectively address the multifaceted and complex housing, clinical, medical and psychosocial needs of homeless veterans and their families.
Get the Guide here:
Learn More:
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Veterans Crisis Line Website
The Veterans Crisis Line connects Veterans in crisis and their families and friends with qualified, caring Department of Veterans Affairs responders through a confidential toll-free hotline, online chat, or text.
Veterans and their loved ones can call 1-800-273-8255 and Press 1, chat online, or send a text message to 838255 to receive confidential support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
More about the Veterans Crisis Line.
Veterans and their loved ones can call 1-800-273-8255 and Press 1, chat online, or send a text message to 838255 to receive confidential support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
More about the Veterans Crisis Line.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
2012 Court Martial Manual Released
The 2012 edition of the Manual for Courts-Martial is available at:
According to the PREFACE:
According to the PREFACE:
The Manual for Courts-Martial (MCM), United States (2012 Edition) updates the MCM (2008 Edition).More:
It is a complete reprinting and incorporates the MCM (2008 Edition), including all amendments to the Rules for Courts-Martial, Military Rules of Evidence (Mil. R. Evid.), and Punitive Articles made by the President in Executive Orders (EO) from 1984 to present, and specifically including EO 13468 (24 July 2008); EO 13552 (31 August 2010); and EO 13593 (13 December 2011). See Appendix 25. This edition also contains amendments to the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) made by the National Defense Authorization Acts for Fiscal Years 2009 through 2012. Some of the significant changes are summarized and listed below.
This summary is for quick reference only and should not be relied upon or cited by practitioners in lieu of the actual provisions of the MCM that have been amended.
The MCM (2012 Edition) includes unique changes warranting attention.
Discussion has been added or amended to address changes in practice resulting from United States v. Campbell, 71 M.J. 19 (C.A.A.F. 2012); United States v. Fosler, 70 M.J. 225 (C.A.A.F. 2011); and United
States v. Jones, 68 M.J. 465 (C.A.A.F. 2010). See R.C.M. 307(c)(3); R.C.M. 307(c)(4); R.C.M. 906(b)(12); R.C.M. 907(b)(3)(B); R.C.M. 910(a)(1); R.C.M. 918(a)(1); R.C.M. 1003(c)(1)(C); and in Part IV of this Manual, paragraph 3b, paragraph 60c(6)(a), and the discussion at page IV-1. The Discussion added in 2012 was a short-term solution intended to address recent, broad changes in the law. Although it may describe legal
requirements derived from other sources, the Discussion does not have the force of law. It is in the nature
of a treatise, and may be used as secondary authority. The Discussion will be revised from time to time as
warranted by changes in applicable law. See Composition of the Manual for Courts-Martial in Appendix 21 of this Manual.
Practitioners are advised that the Mil. R. Evid. will be amended after the publication of this Manual and will take effect only after the President signs the relevant EO. Once approved, the revised Mil. R. Evid. will exist outside of this Manual until its next complete reprinting.
Practitioners are also advised that Article 120 has been amended by the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012, Public Law 112-81, 31 December 2011. The amended
version of Article 120 creates three separate sexual offense statutes: Article 120 for adult
offenses; Article 120b for child offenses; and Article 120c for other sexual offenses. Article 120a remains unchanged.
As of 2012, there are now three versions of Article 120, and each version is located in a different part of
this Manual. For offenses committed prior to 1 October 2007, the relevant sexual offense provisions are
contained in Appendix 27. For offenses committed during the period 1 October 2007 through 27 June 2012, the relevant sexual offense provisions are contained in Appendix 28. For offenses committed on or after 28 June 2012, the relevant sexual offense provisions are contained in Part IV of this Manual (Articles 120, 120b, and 120c).
Rules for Courts-Martial (R.C.M.) in Part II of the MCM:
Punitive articles contained in Part IV of the MCM:
- R.C.M. 103(20) was added to define the word "writing."
- R.C.M. 405(h)(3) was amended to move what was formerly in the Discussion into the Rule itself by requiring detailed analysis and findings of fact to support closure of the hearing.
- R.C.M. 1003(b)(3) was amended to address fines related to persons tried pursuant to Article 2(a)(10), U.C.M.J.
- R.C.M. 1003(c)(4) was added to address punishment limits, other than fines, for persons tried pursuant to Article 2(a)(10), U.C.M.J. Former subparagraph (c)(4) was renumbered as (c)(5).
- R.C.M. 1103(b)(2)(B) was amended to remove the word "written" after the word "verbatim."
- R.C.M. 1103(e) was amended to add the words "termination after findings" to the title, but the actual text of the Rule was not changed.
- R.C.M. 1103(g)(1)(A) was amended to delete the "default" requirement to prepare four copies of the record of trial and the requirement to prepare an original and one copy in all other general and special courts-martial.
- R.C.M. 1103(j)(2) was amended to clarify that the words "in writing" apply to both the transcript and the summary, and to refer the reader to R.C.M. 103 for the definition of "writing."
- R.C.M. 1104(a)(1) was amended to provide instruction on authentication of an electronic record of trial.
- R.C.M. 1106 was amended in 2008 to change the contents required in subparagraph (d)(3); however, because of the words implementing the change in 2008, it was unclear whether subparagraphs (d)(4)-(6) were intended to be deleted or to remain. Therefore, in 2010, subparagraph (d) was amended again to make clear that it should contain six subparts: (d)(1)-(6).
- R.C.M. 1111(a)(1) was amended to provide for the forwarding of an electronic copy of the record of trial.
- R.C.M. 1113(d) was moved to subparagraph (e), and a new subparagraph (d) was added to address selfexecuting punishments.
- R.C.M. 1113(d)(2)(A)(iii) was amended to correct the reference to Article 57a(b)(1) rather than the incorrect Article 57(e).
- R.C.M. 1113(d)(2)(C) was amended to include persons tried pursuant to Article 2(a)(10).
- R.C.M. 1114 was amended by adding a new subsection (a)(4) to address self-executing final orders.
- R.C.M. 1305(b) was amended to delete the requirement to prepare an original and at least two copies of the record of trial and prepare instead a "written" record.
- R.C.M. 1305(c) was amended to allow the summary court-martial to sign any record of trial, not necessarily the original record, and to permit electronic signature.
- R.C.M. 1305(d)(1)(A) was amended to permit service of an electronic record of trial on the accused.
- R.C.M. 1306(b)(3) was amended to permit electronic signature by the convening authority. Military Rules of Evidence (Mil. R. Evid.) in Part III of the MCM:
- Mil. R. Evid. 504(c)(2)(D) was amended to address an exception where both parties have been substantial participants in illegal activities.
- Mil. R. Evid. 513(d)(2) was amended to remove the spouse abuse exception so that the privilege applies consistently in Mil. R. Evid. 513 and 514.
- Mil. R. Evid. 514 was added to create a new victim advocate-victim privilege.
- Mil. R. Evid. 609(a) was amended to conform to the Federal Rules of Evidence by substituting the words "character for truthfulness" for the word "credibility."
- Mil. R. Evid. 609(a)(2) was amended to conform to the Federal Rules of Evidence stylistic revision.
- Mil. R. Evid. 609(c) was amended to conform to the Federal Rules of Evidence stylistic revision.
Other UCMJ Articles contained in Appendix 2 of the MCM:
- Paragraph 13, Article 89, was amended to substitute the words "uniformed service" for the words "armed force" and "armed forces."
- Paragraph 14c(2)(g), Article 90, was amended to require immediate compliance of an order that does not explicitly or implicitly indicate that delayed compliance is authorized or directed.
- Paragraph 32c(1), Article 108, was amended to better define "military property" and better distinguish it from "government property."
- Paragraph 35f, Article 111, was amended to modify the sample specification to be used in chemical analysis cases.
- Paragraph 43a, Article 118, was amended to reflect modified terminology of sexual assault offenses from Article 120 and Article 120b.
- Paragraph 44b, Article 119, was amended to add the optional element for a child victim.
- Paragraph 44b(2)(d), Article 119, was amended to list the 2007 version of Article 120 sexual assault offenses; however, the 2008 MCM contained the same language already.
- Paragraphs 44c(1)(c) and 44c(2)(c), Article 119, were added to explain the additional element and increased punishment for child victims.
- Paragraph 44e(3) and 44e(4), Article 119, were added to prescribe maximum punishments for child victim cases.
- Paragraph 44f, Article 119, was amended to account for child victim cases.
- Paragraph 45 was completely amended in accordance with National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012, Public Law 112-81, 31 December 2011.
- Paragraphs 45.b and 45.c are new statutes added in accordance with National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012, Public Law 112-81, 31 December 2011.
- Paragraph 46b(1)(d), Article 121, was amended to change the reference contained within the note from "paragraph 32c(1)" to "paragraph 46.c.(1)(h)."
- Paragraph 48c(4) was amended to add the word "to" after the word "liability" in the fifth sentence.
- Paragraph 46c(1)(h), Article 121, was added to define and explain "military property." Former subparagraph c.(1)(h) was moved to subparagraph c.(1)(i).
- Paragraph 48c(4), Article 123, Forgery, was amended to add the word "to" after the word "liability" the second time it appears in the fifth sentence.
- Paragraph 68b, Article 134, is a new offense added to proscribe child pornography.
- Article 1 was amended to delete the term "law specialist" and to amend the definitions of Coast Guard Judge Advocate and TJAG.
- Article 47 was amended to provide a remedy for failure to comply with a subpoena duces tecum for an Article 32 investigation.
- Article 48 was amended to broaden and expressly provide contempt power to a military judge.
- Article 54 was amended to state that a copy of all records of proceedings shall be given to a sexual assault victim if the victim testified at the court-martial.
- Article 120 was significantly restructured and broken into three new statutes: Article 120 for adult sex offenses; Article 120b for child sex offenses; and Article 120c for other sexual misconduct. These changes take effect on 28 June 2012. The 2012 MCM will contain all three versions of Article 120. For offenses committed prior to 1 October 2007, see Appendix 27. For offenses committed during the period 1 October 2007 through 27 June 2012, see Appendix 28. For offenses committed on or after 28 June 2012, see Part IV of this Manual.
- Article 136 was amended to allow judges sitting on the Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces to administer oaths.
Monday, April 16, 2012
The Million Veteran Program from the VA
The VA has announced a "Million Veteran Program (MVP)", a national, voluntary research program conducted by the Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Research & Development:
"The goal of MVP is to partner with Veterans receiving their care in the VA Healthcare System to study how genes affect health. To do this, MVP will build the world's largest medical database by safely collecting blood samples and health information from one million Veteran volunteers. Data collected from MVP will be stored anonymously for research on diseases like diabetes and cancer, and military-related illnesses, such as post-traumatic stress disorder."Learn More:
Sunday, April 8, 2012
April 27/Texas City, TX: Free CLE for Texas Lawyers Serving Veterans
Lone Star Legal Aid is conducting a FREE Continuing Legal Education event to recruit and train private attorneys to help us serve more low-income veterans with legal problems.
A Free CLE for Texas Attorneys Serving Texas Veterans
Friday April 27, 2012
10:00 - 4:00 P.M
College of the Mainland
1200 Amburn Road Texas City, Texas 77591
To RSVP Contact: Rebekah D. Mason at rmason@lonestarlegal.org
LUNCH PROVIDED to Attendees Who RSVP by 4/20/2012Credit:
5 Hours CLE Credit with State Bar of Texas
This CLE Training is Free to Attorneys Who Agree to Accept One Pro Bono Civil Case for a Veteran or Active Duty Service Member from Lone Star Legal Aid!
Sponsored By:

Friday April 27, 2012
10:00 - 4:00 P.M
College of the Mainland
1200 Amburn Road Texas City, Texas 77591
To RSVP Contact: Rebekah D. Mason at rmason@lonestarlegal.org
LUNCH PROVIDED to Attendees Who RSVP by 4/20/2012Credit:
5 Hours CLE Credit with State Bar of Texas
This CLE Training is Free to Attorneys Who Agree to Accept One Pro Bono Civil Case for a Veteran or Active Duty Service Member from Lone Star Legal Aid!
Sponsored By:
- College of the Mainland and
- Lone Star Legal Aid’s Lone Star Lawyers for Lone Star Veterans Project.
- Abel Guevara, Regional Supervisor, Texas Veterans Commission
- Frank Furleigh, Galveston County Veteran Service Officer
- Lone Star Legal Aid Attorneys:
- Christina Gindratt
- Elizabeth Lockett
- Rebekah D. Mason
- Thai Nguyen.
Monday, April 2, 2012
Apr 13/St. Paul + Webcast: Ready and Willing: Welcoming Returning #Veterans Back into the Workforce #MCLE
During this CLE, we will discuss USERRA, DoD programs to support veterans returning to the workforce, veteran preference laws in Minnesota, state programs to aid veterans in finding work, and legislative initiatives to aid veterans in the workforce.
Ready and Willing: Welcoming Returning Veterans Back into the Workforce
1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Local
April 13, 2012
East Hall, Room 106
Hamline University
1536 Hewitt Avenue, Saint Paul, MN 55104-1284
Also available as webcast!
$25 for those seeking CLE credit; free for everyone else
3 standard CLE credits will be applied for.
Guests can choose to attend in person or via live webcast.
For more information, contact Anne Markus at 651-523-2943
Hamline Law Veterans Association CLE Registration Form
Ready and Willing: Welcoming Returning Veterans Back into the Workforce
1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Local
April 13, 2012
East Hall, Room 106
Hamline University
1536 Hewitt Avenue, Saint Paul, MN 55104-1284
Also available as webcast!
$25 for those seeking CLE credit; free for everyone else
3 standard CLE credits will be applied for.
Guests can choose to attend in person or via live webcast.
For more information, contact Anne Markus at 651-523-2943
Hamline Law Veterans Association CLE Registration Form
Friday, March 30, 2012
Honor, Not Law: Rules of engagement are only a small part of battlefield discipline
Armed Forces Journal published a very interesting article entitled
"Honor, Not Law: Rules of engagement are only a small part of battlefield discipline"
"Honor, Not Law: Rules of engagement are only a small part of battlefield discipline"
"...The military can and should do a better job teaching troops the law of armed conflict, but this would not have prevented civilian deaths in Haditha nor the abuse of enemy corpses in Afghanistan.Read the whole article. We who are civilians may be thankful if we never need to understand the subject in practical terms, but when we, the civilian population, give directions to our military "Go there, do that!" we need to understand this stuff.
The problem of battlefield discipline goes beyond the law of armed conflict. The law is society’s response to undisciplined or unethical conduct. It does an OK job of sorting out the aftermath of an incident and categorizing the participants as either guilty or not guilty. But the law often falls short as a catalyst for ethical behavior, especially on the battlefield.Law is the judgment of the community at large, but the impetus for ethical conduct among warriors must come from other warriors. The real challenge for commanders is not just to teach their troops about the law of armed conflict but to inculcate in their troops the ethos of the professional warrior — to instill an abiding sense of honor.
It is not enough for soldiers to know the rules, or even to follow them. Without deep reserves of character and psychological strength, troops in high-stress battlefield situations may fall prey to undisciplined impulses. Honor, not law, is the key to battlefield discipline...."
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