This CLE raises awareness about PTSD in veterans. Having served themselves, the presenters understand what veterans go through when they transition from the high-stress military world to civilian life.
Mr. Hunter has represented veterans he believes might have avoided the criminal justice system if their PTSD had been treated. To help those convicted of PTSD-linked non-felony offenses, he advocated for legislation that provides a treatment option, as well as for the Hennepin County Veterans Court. He also gives lectures about PTSD in Iraq and Afghanistan veterans so, they won’t have to suffer silently with the condition.
Mr. Matacastillo was a member of the Minnesota National Guard, had been deployed several times, was an infantry company senior NCO in Iraq with the 3-194 CAB, which stands for Combat Action Badge (awarded since 2001 to soldiers performing duties in an area with hostile fire or imminent danger) and was diagnosed with PTSD.
Veterans and The Legal System: Addressing the Realities of Military to Civilian Life
Friday, May 18, 2012
Registration | 8:00 a.m. -8:30 a.m.
CLE Program | 8:30 a.m. - noon
Luncheon | 12:15 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Hamline University, Klas Center
1536 Hewitt Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104
Deadline to Register:
May 15, 2012 at noon
$25-$45 (depending on status)
- Brockton Hunter, Minneapolis Criminal Defense Attorney and Veteran’s Advocate
- Hector Matascastillo, Former Army First Sergeant and Army Ranger, recipient of the Bronze Star, and a Rapid Response Specialist for the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development
3 hours of Elimination of Bias CLE credits applied for
Event Code: 167131
Minnesota State Bar Association