Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Be A VA Watchdog

Larry Scott of VA Watchdog, a website dedicated to monitoring VA practices, writes:

"This is a project I can't do alone. I need your help.

"Keeping an eye on the VA" takes more than one pair of eyes. The tons of paperwork generated each year are impossible to wade through.

That's where you come in. Let me know of rules changes you think are important. Tell me about policy changes.

If you run into someone at the VA who says, "This is the rule," and you don't agree...let me know.

From claims to healthcare treatment your information is needed.

A reminder...this is not a place to just get angry and tell me how bad things are. Be specific. And, let's see if we can make them better.

The employees of the VA are dedicated people who are overworked and underpaid! They need our help, too. They need better funding so they can better serve us.

And, if you are a VA employee and want to "chat" about something...your anonymity is assured.

If you do not want to use an existing email account to communicate, it is suggested that use use Google's Gmail and set up a free anonymous account.

Any and all questions or information can be sent to my email and I'll respond to every one of them.

Your input will provide the information for articles you will be able to read here and other venues. Together we can help keep the veteran community informed.


Larry Scott"

VA Watchdog is a good source in service to our warrior community.

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