Thursday, September 25, 2008

NLG Military Law Task Force Military Law & Counseling Library

A free online Military Law & Counseling Library is provided by the National Lawyer's Guild Military Law Task Force here: It focuses on a variety of issue such as doing your first court-martial, political rights of servicemembers, conscientious objection and much more.

1 comment:

JM said...

Thanks for linking to us.

One warning I'll give readers though, is that we are redesigning the MLTF website and one of the problems we have encountered is that the wealth of materials we have is not very well organized (a problem of "too many cooks" as they say).

If there is something you are looking for but can't find it, I would suggest using the search function on the front page of our website (

James M. Branum
Co-Chair of the MLTF