"Veterans of the United States armed forces may be eligible for a broad range of programs and services provided by the federal Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). These benefits are legislated in Title 38 of the United States Code.
Eligibility for most VA benefits is based upon discharge from active military service under other than dishonorable conditions. Active service means full-time service, other than active duty for training, as a member of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, or as a commissioned officer of the Public Health Service, Environmental Science Services Administration or National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or its predecessor, the Coast and Geodetic Survey. Generally, men and women veterans with similar service may be entitled to the same VA benefits.
There's a lot more, and it's worth digging through. Some items of note:
- Board of Veteran Appeals
- Fact sheets, Forms, and a searchable database of Frequently Asked Questions
- Intergovernmental Affairs page. This has many links to veterans resources beyond the federal VA.
- Special Programs. These are especially interesting for people such as veterans with disabilities, minorities and women.
In addition, most or all states, and some counties, also have Departments of Veterans Affairs, with programs aimed at the particular needs of the local community.
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