Or are you, perhaps, a member of the Guard or Reserve whose service might cause problems with your job?
Either way, check out Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR). It's an agency of the Department of Defense Ombudsman Services Program that hosts a lot of resources for free.
ESGR-provided information might head off problems before they arise. And ESGR helps informally mediate disputes arising under the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) between employers and their Guard and Reserve employees.

- The USERRA Complaint Request Form is for Guard & Reserve members who are experiencing civilian employment problems related to military service. It can also be used to request information and ask questions related to the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA): Learn More Here
- Request for Ombudsman support by calling 1-800-336-4590
- Employers can sign the Statement of Support and receive recognition
- See many more ESGR resources: http://www.esgr.org/
Many problems can be avoided by just talking it over in advance. And employers who do the right thing should get the proper recognition. Try ESGR!